The Leader WASP or Warning Alarm for Stability Protection was initially developed for the UK International Search and Rescue team, of which Matt Keogh was a member for 27 years. Matt is the creator of WASP and LEADER is now undertaking its manufacturing and promotion.
The stability controller was specifically designed for movement detection to protect USAR staff when entering earthquake damaged buildings because of spending hours in buildings breaching through floors all the time unaware if actions made were weakening the structure further.
Leader WASP safety monitoring and warning device gives rescue crews an early warning of failure allowing them to realise what they were doing (Breaching, Shoring, Tech Search) was possibly going to cause collapse of the unstable structure.
Leader WASP detects movement (0.1 to 2.6 degrees) and vibration (0.5 to 100 Hz) simultaneously or not. Alarm is triggered due to rotational failure of the sructure that it has been attached to. It was purely designed for risk reduction to personnel working in close proximity to a risk that had the potential of further movement/collapse of USAR operations.
Leader WASP allows quick implementation with easy configuration. It is robust and compact and is ultra-sensitive.
Leader WASP comes more and more under International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) coordination:UK ISAR, DART Singapore, etc..

Warning Alarm Stability Protection Device – Leader Wasp